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[Maise's_Gallery_of_Bad_Fan_Art: Kittykins_and_Karts]
Hi everyone,
I'm so stoked that I keep getting all these kick-ass submissions to the Gallery of Bad Fan Art. All I gotta say is, keep 'em coming!!!
Our own Kittykins sent me these a couple of days ago, and I was most impressed. She tells me that she created them by painting over existing pictures of Trent in Open Canvas. They totally remind me of the animation technique of rotoscoping, and if you've seen the movies Waking Life or A Scanner Darkly, you'll know what I'm talking about. So Richard Linklater, meet Kittykins. Kittykins, Richard Linklater.
Meanwhile, you know how in the "First Exhibition" thread, I called for a "Mariokart Trent" picture? Well, none other than GABRIEL'S WHORE answered my call...in her own special way. I swear to God, this is the single funniest thing I've ever seen in my fucking life:
And uh...kids...if you check out the Lair of the Stank these days, you might see that the Whore created a motherfucking COMMERCIAL for Gabriel. Dierdre, I recommend you not watch it if you're at all in danger of bursting a blood vessel. Ahhhh, it's nice to be l'orangerie stank's manager and have some deranged fan do all my work for me!
Posted by maise in gallery_of_bad_fan_art | Permalink
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-nearly dies laughing at the MarioKart thing, and turns BEET RED at the compliment to her openCanvas tracing skillz-
Posted by: KittyKins | Sep 3, 2006 3:25:54 PM
As awesome as the work of the deranged fan is, the two rotoscope-esque images of KittyKins' are even awesomer. Especially the second one; I've always been fond of that pic.
Posted by: | Sep 3, 2006 5:45:28 PM
Oops, that last one was me.
Posted by: JR | Sep 3, 2006 6:15:23 PM
Wow KittyKins! I love how they both turned out! Do you have any others that you'll be doing that way or would you consider requests? I think any of the shots of Trent at the piano for the ReAct Now would look great in that format. Although that's not necessarily the pic I wanted; I just can't seem to find the others. You know how it goes when you're looking for something...
And sweet Jesus the hilarity! I nearly pissed myself laughing over the MarioKart thing! Hey Gabe that’s an awful stylish pink car you got yourself there. Is your next cover song going to be Aretha Franklin’s “Pink Cadillac”? I fucking dare you!
Posted by: Iris | Sep 3, 2006 7:30:14 PM
Wow KittyKins! I love how they both turned out! Do you have any others that you'll be doing that way or would you consider requests? I think any of the shots of Trent at the piano for the ReAct Now would look great in that format. Although that's not necessarily the pic I wanted; I just can't seem to find the others. You know how it goes when you're looking for something...
And sweet Jesus the hilarity! I nearly pissed myself laughing over the MarioKart thing! Hey Gabe that’s an awful stylish pink car you got yourself there. Is your next cover song going to be Aretha Franklin’s “Pink Cadillac”? I fucking dare you!
Posted by: Iris | Sep 3, 2006 7:30:16 PM
I will absolutely do requests Iris! I was hoping someone would ask that actually lol. I've been dying to do more, but have run out of ideas of my ownf or them, so, bring on the requests!
Posted by: KittyKins | Sep 3, 2006 10:01:46 PM
Just send me an e-mail [ [email protected] ] or an im [the same name applies, although I tend to stay invisible, so leave a message if it looks like I'm not on. just let me know who you are.] and I'll get to work on it for ya ~^.^~, although, today, I have to work, so I won't be home until this evening.
Posted by: KittyKins | Sep 4, 2006 7:57:38 AM
Hey everyone, Trent has checked in with us for another movie review!
If you have the opportunity, I highly suggest watching Spike Lee's documentary "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts" currently playing on HBO. It's a very well done look at what happened and is happening now in New Orleans.
Has anyone been able to see this yet?
Meanwhile, I spent the day battling rosebushes and then watching emotionally manipulative episodes of "The Crocodile Hunter" on Animal Planet and CRYING. OMFG, they could not have chosen sadder "tribute" episodes. Please tell me I'm not the only person on the ninternet all bummed out about this. Crikey!
Posted by: maise | Sep 4, 2006 7:31:03 PM
I'm shocked there are not more comments about this fantastic art work!
KittyKins you totally rock my face off! I want to see some more of your art work asap!
And let me just say, the mariokart picture is a fuckin riot! KUDOS!
On a much sadder note: Maise I totally understand about ''The Crocodile Hunter!'' It is so sad! He is one of the few people that truly loved and somehow connected with the animals, it is a great loss!
Posted by: heather | Sep 4, 2006 11:50:05 PM
Ok, I'm out of the loop here, but what the fuck happened to The Crocodile Hunter? I love that guy! Did anyone else see the one when he was in Africa, crawling through mud on his stomach toward a rotting hippopotamus, surrounded by crocs and vultures while saying "It's always been my boyhood dream to get close enough to share the carcass with the vultures." He rule!
However, I need to be straight with y'all about this fan art thing: Maise was right when she said it was BAD fan art. What is up with Trent's very weird lips in both pictures? He looks like a fucking 1960's Bond girl in buff lipstick in the first one, and a clown in the second.
As for the Mariokart thing, it just makes me think that Gabriel's Whore is really Rob Sheridan.
Posted by: Jane | Sep 5, 2006 2:24:03 AM
-laughs at Jane- Hey, I just paint over it, don't ask me.
As for the thing with the Crocodile Hunter, I completely understand, and actually avoided watching my tv for that very reason....that and I had to work.
Posted by: KittyKins | Sep 5, 2006 2:56:56 AM
Oh Jane, it's awful! The Crocodile Hunter was killed by a stingray--a STINGRAY!!!!! You know, the things they let you pet at Sea World? (Well, they remove the poisonous barb first at Sea World.) It got startled and jabbed him right in the heart...anywhere else, and he would have been okay but in pain. Instead he died instantly. What are the fucking odds????
And then last night, Animal Planet shows these episodes that are all about Steve's life, every second of which is an absolute tear-jerker in context. "When I met Terri, it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!!" "Here's video footage of when my daughter was born!"
My favorite Crocodile Hunter episode was when he and Terri were in crocodile-infested waters at night. Steve gets distracted by some snake in a tree and is standing in the boat trying to mess around with that. Then something happens, and Terri falls in the croc-infested water, and the the snake falls in the boat, but it all turned out well in the end because nothing terrible was supposed to happen to the Crocodile Hunter.
Posted by: maise | Sep 5, 2006 5:53:24 AM
Oh, and if Rob Sheridan were Gabriel's Whore, I'd say, "Shouldn't you spending that time making nin.com *actually work*?"
Trent, hon? Your website is the biggest collection of broken links I've EVER SEEN.
Posted by: maise | Sep 5, 2006 6:03:38 AM
Well I’ve seen a couple things online about the Crocodile Hunter’s death and it’s terrible. That’s the only good thing I can say about not having cable right now because I’d probably be crying too if I was watching all the tribute episodes. But Good Morning America is pissing me off with their news coverage of it and in-depth analysis of what made him tick including computer generated models of brain and their endorphins centers and psychologists opinions on why he was such a “thrill seeker”. The man just died. Report that and, unless you’re offering condolences to his wife or plugging for his conservational efforts, move on. I don’t need to know what made him passionate about the things he did. Some things you just gotta roll with.
As for the Rob Sheridan=Gabriel’s Whore thing, words right out of my mouth Maise. Do you suppose he just read one too many of Dierdre’s [Rob_Sheridan_you_SUCK] threads/comments and fucking snapped? I wonder which one was the one to push him over the edge. But why create another site for it? Just throw it up there on Population Paste with the rest of the equally disturbing tidbits and call it a day. Well don’t call it a day...get your ass back in that editing room and work on that [With_Teeth] tour DVD you guys were supposedly filming a couple shows for! We’re waiting...
Posted by: Iris | Sep 5, 2006 6:45:44 AM
Posted by: maise | Sep 5, 2006 6:57:15 AM
Oh wow, that video is amazing! I've never watched even a whole episode of Star Trek, so to me at least it's surprising how easily it lent itself to that treatment. (Maybe if I'd seen more of it, it wouldn't be a surprise.)
And the Crocodile Hunter's demise...yeah, it is ironic that with all of the risks he's taken, it was a stingray that did it.
Posted by: JR | Sep 5, 2006 7:31:22 AM
I don't think that video is supposed to be on that site...Killasdra (who is an absolutely brilliant K/S slash author) has this vid password-locked on her own website.
Posted by: Muskles | Sep 5, 2006 9:37:49 AM
Yeah, I dunno about any of that. I just shamelessly rip off leads from ninspotting...
Posted by: maise | Sep 5, 2006 9:39:18 AM
Since it's clear that everyone loved ''The Crocodile Hunter'' maybe we could do a tribute to him.
Something to think about..
Posted by: heather | Sep 5, 2006 11:37:35 AM
-snorts and dies laughing at that video- I have never seen that episode, but that video was REALLY funny.
Posted by: KittyKins | Sep 5, 2006 1:42:12 PM
dude, I haven't been paying attention to the media the last day or so or I'll just start crying. I don't care how much flack the guy gets I've never seen a more passionate person ever! The croc hunter was an inspiration to keep on keeping on being 1) geeky 2) intense 3) passionate about what you care about.
On all the fan art: AWESOME! Kitty, I'm with everyone else I'd love to see more painted over photos! Hella cool!
Posted by: Prism | Sep 6, 2006 12:35:28 AM
We're so quiet. Hopefully this works. Visualize a mini dust cloud and a rolling tumbleweed.
Posted by: Iris | Sep 7, 2006 8:38:46 AM
Okay...so it's a really skinny tumbleweed or it's just rolling that fast. ;)
Posted by: Iris | Sep 7, 2006 8:40:02 AM
I completely didn't read that, and I thought at first it was an odd looking Pirate ship.
Posted by: KittyKins | Sep 7, 2006 8:45:24 AM
You know, every time I see that Defamer has put up their celebrity sightings, I keep hoping that someone will write in something silly about Trent (a la him jumping over some four-foot rail at a viewing of "Hostel"). Doesn't our boy LEAVE HIS HOUSE these days?
I think it's time we put up some FAKE Defamer sightings. (To those who tend to express their outrage over things like the Jessica Simpson/Trent US cover...I'd like to emphasize the FAKE aspect of this. I'm not even anywhere near LA.):
"Saw Trent Reznor today arguing with a cashier at El Taco Loco. Holy shit, don't try to put refried beans on his burrito!"
"Saw Trent Reznor shopping for a shirt at [fill in trendy boutique here]. He picked up something kind of girly so I coughed a bit, and when he looked over, I just kind of sadly shook my head at him. He put the shirt down and left the store."
"Saw Trent Reznor at Tropical Joe's Putt Putt and Family Fun, playing mini-golf while obviously on some date. His date kept screwing up on hole #11, and Trent just kept laughing at her. He was a little bit of a dick about it. Later I saw him playing Skee-ball, and he was sucking, so his date got the last laugh in the end."
Anyone want to add to these?
Posted by: maise | Sep 7, 2006 8:48:31 AM
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