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[Pictures_of_You_#_23: I'm_Really_Sorry,_But...]
With all the poetry smackdowns, concert reviews, bookclub proposals, moviegoing, and kvetching about posters we've been getting up to, It's been awhile since we've had a good old fashioned PERV-OUT here at WTC, hasn't it?
Well, let me just show you a little something that one of my extremely kind readers sent me, because ladies and gents? I think it's time we took a moment to remember something about Trent:
Please tell me I'm not the only one who literally cannot stop thinking about licking that staggeringly sexy, sweaty, hairy chest. Please tell me that I'm not alone in feeling that there is very little on planet earth that is more beautiful than the veins on Trent Reznor's scrumptious, meaty forearms, and people, is it just me about those teeth of his? Goddamn!
I've got more questions, too. Don't you LOVE IT when he does that thing he's doing with his right arm and hand? How gorgeous, on a scale from 1 to 10, are those freckles on his shoulder? Does that crease in the center of his forehead drive you wild, too? How about that that hairline, or that fist of his, wrapped around the microphone like that? Does that make you think very, very naughty thoughts? Are you literally SHIVERING WITH DESIRE, or am I all alone in my own private Idaho, here?
Can we also bear in mind the fact that, at the moment when this picture was taken, Sparklepants was engaged in singing one of his fucking beautiful songs? Who cares which one! Fucking hell! How is someone THIS DELICIOUS allowed to roam the earth? Please just take a moment of silence, gentle readers, and imagine being made love to by THAT MAN. You know, the one who wrote both "Suck" and "Right Where It Belongs", and who has THOSE HANDS.
Are you dying? Yeah. Me too.
Posted by Dierdre ~ in pictures_of_you | Permalink
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I just came from chruch and honestly, I think I'm going to have to go back...
Literally, my brain stopped functioning for a bit there.
I am totally dying, Dierdre- hah.
Posted by: Tori | Jun 25, 2006 2:58:33 PM
Dierdre - you are NOT alone, my friend. I couldn't even finish writing this comment without scrolling back up to look at him...twice. Y-U-M.
Posted by: Melissa | Jun 25, 2006 7:34:50 PM
That picture is amazing..and Dierdre you are not alone at all.. I must have been staring at this pic for quite a while before actually commenting.It really is a wonderful pic. :D
Posted by: Nisha | Jun 25, 2006 9:43:56 PM
Whoo. I'm feeling a bit oversexed at the moment, as I've seen my three most favorite men on the planet within a 24-hour period: my boyfriend, my lover and, of course, our dear beloved Sparklepants.
But rest assured that no matter how many real boys are in my life, I will never get tired of looking at those crazy multi-directional fingers or his sinfully wonderful teeth or his sharp eyes... Okay, I'll stop, you get the idea.
Posted by: emerald527 | Jun 25, 2006 9:54:17 PM
This pic is serving as today's cure for stress-induced nausea. Thanks, Trent. You just keep on keeping on with your bowling ball shoulders.
Posted by: maise | Jun 26, 2006 8:25:20 AM
I was having the worst day, but that pic definitely put a smile on my face. Thanks.
Posted by: stephanie | Jun 26, 2006 8:40:15 AM
hey dierdre
thats a very nice pic =) ... i like the whole trent =)
you are not alone...^^ i
Posted by: vero | Jun 26, 2006 12:20:25 PM
Yeah, it's pretty hot, I guess.
Posted by: Jane | Jun 26, 2006 3:20:06 PM
you guess? there's no guessing. haha
Posted by: Tori | Jun 26, 2006 5:33:19 PM
Why won't he marry me?
Posted by: Lenka | Jun 26, 2006 9:25:11 PM
Wooooo great pic Diedre :) He is just fucking beautiful.
Posted by: Clara | Jun 26, 2006 9:54:17 PM
Lenka, I think you're going to have to go through Dierdre on that marriage thing.
On another note, Jesus WTC, where's the wit?
Posted by: Jane | Jun 26, 2006 10:19:15 PM
See, this is why we need Gabriel's regular attendance. But you know him...off on his religious pilgrimages or archeological expeditions...
I'm trying to find some snark for this picture, but it's just too profoundly hot. Even if Trent seems to have to grab his own ass to sing like that.
Posted by: maise | Jun 27, 2006 6:55:53 AM
Dudes, you know how he always buries a fist in his groin when he really gives it up? That makes me burn. In this picture, he might be just holding the bottom of the microphone stand, but I know that when I think about it -- and believe me, I THINK ABOUT IT -- he's totally burying one of those meaty, balled-up paws in his junk, and getting in touch with his root, the better to really give it hell.
Posted by: Dierdre | Jun 27, 2006 8:57:39 AM
No, you're right. The arm is at the front, not at his back.
Funny how nin.com never really shows one where his hands are at any given moment.
Posted by: maise | Jun 27, 2006 9:07:29 AM
Very nice post with the pic.
Hot is an understatement in regards to TR. He's like...I don't know, sex on a stick.
He's walking sex. He oozes sexy.
Gah--now I have to go write smut or something.
Posted by: Deviant Author | Jun 27, 2006 9:29:27 AM
Ha, the freckles on his arms are one of the first things I noticed at the Detroit show.
Posted by: RL | Jun 27, 2006 11:47:12 PM
Perfect description of Trent Deviant Author.
Posted by: Clara | Jun 28, 2006 12:03:18 AM
Finally, someone could put it into words!
He is such a man of all merit. I can't sometimes think straight when he enters the mind, ya know?
And yes, to the one who makes love to him, I envy her.....
Posted by: Erin | Jul 4, 2006 12:18:31 PM
Agreed on all counts, except the teeth. Nothing wrong with them, for sure, but I don't find them a point of particular allure...too many other distractions, probably!
Posted by: jessica | Jul 5, 2006 8:12:55 PM
This photo was taken at the Camden show I went to. Incredible. Trent is so hot. He was, is and will always be on the top of my list.
Posted by: angryinky | Jul 11, 2006 1:26:01 PM
.....I'm agreed with all of those....it makes me want to scream with him in some sort of animal fury and headbang too....heh.
Posted by: KittyKins | Jul 29, 2006 11:08:21 PM
Diedre i completely understand what u mean, if i was at a NIN concert i'd probably end up grabbing Trent. He looked so fucking hot when he sang The Fragile live i know i always say it, but i can't get over him. i just can't.
Posted by: Rachel | Aug 1, 2006 1:39:35 PM
i LOVE pictures of TR in black&white! they always seem to be the sexiest ones [or is it just me?]!
Posted by: Page | Sep 16, 2006 8:37:44 AM
no it's not just u page, I feel it 2. :)
Posted by: Rachel | Dec 27, 2006 12:54:27 PM
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