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So, yeah, even though my "cuntrag bitch" ass got booted out of ETS ages and ages ago for daring to admit that I love Trent, sometimes I still read a few posts -- you know, to find out things like what the fuck happened when some douchebag in Argentina jumped onstage to wrassle my man. All I'm sayin' is, lucky for that guy I wasn't there, because NOBODY messes with my baby...
But, back to ETS: it seems that those absolute Einsteins over there have taken a break from photographing their totally awesome NIN CD collections and offering Trent advice on how to make his next record not suck as bad as With Teeth to discuss the always riveting topic of whether or not it's possible to love NIN and be a Christian at the same time.
The following are ACTUAL COPIED AND PASTED QUOTES from this thread:
E-Quillizer: Sometimes philosophy and art intertwine. Personally, when this happens, I NEVER take it seriously. Music is an artform. I like NIN musically. Hence, I enjoy and listen to the music. I may not agree with some of the subject matter involved in the music but that doesn't make me not like it. If I'm a hypocrite, so be it. I think god can forgive me for liking a certain type of music.
MikeM_OrangeCore: I seriously can't listen to the song heresy. that's the only song I can't really listen to. I feel like I'm a bad person if I do. I'm not kidding either.
Guitar Girl: I know this is a big stretch, but we are all on a journey. Life is a progressive journey. I think Trent's music has been a progressive journey. Like a pilgrimage. There are "mad a God" themes in the older music. That didn't shock me. There are times when I have heard Christians say in private that they are "mad at God" for one thing or another. It's like "hey God, why are you doing this to me?" Those questions arise when bad things happen. My view on "Head Like a Hole" is that it's about Satan, but not in a worship way: Head like a hole, black as your soul, I would rather die than give you control. Two songs on WT that are user-friendly for me are: Beside You In Time Right Where It Belongs peace out.
I_like_NIN: I think in a lot of ways Trent was trying to piss people off - the closer video, with the naked chick and the cruxafix over her forehead? Not to mention the cruxified monkey... This was all a part of shock rock - a genre that Trent moved away from and his prodigal son MM took over. And now Trent rules and MM sucks. So there's that. TR is not Satanist - and neither is NIN.
...And there is so much more! At this posting, there are THREE PAGES of posts exactly this clever, offering us all a vertiable FEAST of mental retardation.
I mean, to re-cap just these four posts: first, we got this guy who NEVER takes the intertwining of Art and Philosophy seriously, because, yeah: that stuff is totally stupid and unworthy of serious consideration, especially when "intertwined." THEN, we got someone who feels like a bad person for listening to a song which, if you ask me, is actually a backhanded endorsement of a God that isn't befouled by the false constructs that turn the very notion of Christianity into televangelized filth. After that, we're off on a journey! GOOD LORD, I love it when people talk about how life is a journey. That shit is so fucking deep. Peace out, man.
Finally, we have a guy who has no clue how to spell "crucifix" and thinks the video for "Closer" amounts to nothing more than "shock rock," but thank Jesus Fucking Christ, he does clue us in on something that, for me personally, is a HUGE RELIEF:
People, Trent Reznor is NOT A SATANIST.
Posted by Dierdre ~ in things_i_hate | Permalink
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I love you Dierdre.
You list some of the reasons why I hang out here and not at ets.
Those and Saturnine, that bitch has always angered me for some odd reason.
Where's the photoessay? Dammit!
Posted by: Nicole | Dec 3, 2005 4:31:44 PM
I've been holding back on totally admitting that Trent is hot, because, all this time, I thought he was a Satanist, and I can't bring myself to pine for biblical knowledge of a Satanist!
Now that I know he isn't I just want to scream it from the rooftops, loud and proud:
Posted by: Jane | Dec 3, 2005 4:49:57 PM
Oh, you mean they finally figured out that the Holocaust was a bad thing? I guess I'm oversimplifying that Thread from Hell, but in actuality, it's no less retarded.
ETS is a really weird place. Occasionally, it can be informative; sometimes it is entertaining in a lurid way; but mostly they just seem more concerned about what people can't say than about what people can say. "Lock this thread! Ban this user!" etc.
Posted by: maise | Dec 3, 2005 5:03:46 PM
Well that's it! I cannot support TR anymore. I thought for sure he worshipped the devil. I guess I'd better find a new rock god to idolize.
Posted by: bex | Dec 3, 2005 9:56:32 PM
Don't even ask what I'm doing awake and online at this hour...
But big news for Dom!
LOS ANGELES -- Shock rocker Marilyn Manson married his longtime girlfriend Saturday in Ireland, People magazine reported on its Web site.
Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner, married 33-year-old Heather Sweet in front of about 60 guests at Castle Gurteen, the home of a friend in Kilsheelan, County Tipperary, the magazine reported.
Sweet is a burlesque dancer who uses the stage name Dita Von Teese. They have been dating for four years and Manson proposed at their Los Angeles home in March 2004, People reported.
It was the first marriage for both.
Manson, 36, wore a black silk taffeta tuxedo and Von Teese was in royal purple silk taffeta with a corset. They were married in a non-denominational ceremony conducted by underground filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky, a friend of Manson, the magazine reported.
What are your feelings on this, Dom? Do you feel a bit bereft? Or should I say...congratulations, Brian? (note that he never really denies it)
Posted by: maise | Dec 3, 2005 11:55:53 PM
Oh, I found the previous story on the website of my hometown rag.
Posted by: maise | Dec 3, 2005 11:58:29 PM
Trent doesn't have the sack to be a Satanist.
Posted by: Dom | Dec 4, 2005 12:12:25 AM
Brian, really...aren't you supposed to be on your honeymoon? You'd best treat Dita like a freaking goddess because she is WAY too hot for you.
Satanism...ugh. That's so "it's 1977, and I'm in my mom's basement, reading portions of Anton Lavey's Satanic Bible in between rounds of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons with my 16-year-old neighbor Ted, and I'll spout off philosophies that are the nerdier forms of Ayn Rand's Objectivism and pretend to be interested in 'the psychology of evil' or whatnot and wonder why I never get laid. I will want to sacrifice a chicken in a local park--that will really show 'em at Herbert Hoover High, but I'm not sure where one acquires live poultry."
Posted by: maise | Dec 4, 2005 8:04:36 AM
Dom, I doubt you even know what true satanism is.
Posted by: Kim | Dec 4, 2005 8:57:45 AM
"Satanism...ugh. That's so "it's 1977, and I'm in my mom's basement, reading portions of Anton Lavey's Satanic Bible in between rounds of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons with my 16-year-old neighbor Ted, and I'll spout off philosophies that are the nerdier forms of Ayn Rand's Objectivism and pretend to be interested in 'the psychology of evil' or whatnot and wonder why I never get laid. I will want to sacrifice a chicken in a local park--that will really show 'em at Herbert Hoover High, but I'm not sure where one acquires live poultry."
Brian, I mean Dom, I mean Brian, , congrats on the nuptials.
Everyone should be happy.
Posted by: bex | Dec 4, 2005 9:17:02 AM
I know I'm a bit DEAD FUCKING SERIOUS today, and I apologize for that, but what gets me about this bullshit is the fact that I basically think that a Christian with a brain, who likes loud music would HAVE TO LOVE Trent. He is so not saying a damned thing that should bother ANY Christian, and he says so many things that should please them, ESPECIALLY in a song like "Heresy".
Dudes. People are dumb. Especially you, Dom.
PS. Maise, you are hilarious. That D&D thing was fucking flawless.
Posted by: Dierdre | Dec 4, 2005 9:24:16 AM
You are all mentally retarded. Seriously.
Posted by: Lance | Jan 7, 2008 1:59:30 AM
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