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I am pleased to announce that I spoke with Dierdre today from the U.K., and effective immediately, Dierdre Keating is rejoining the staff here at WearingTheseChains.
I'll leave the details of it all to her to share if she so desires, but suffice to say that this has been a very rough last few weeks, and now everything feels, well.... right where it belongs.
It is also my extreme pleasure to announce the addition of our first guest columnist, Mimi Jones-Taylor.
Mimi is an excellent writer with a great and profound understanding of the power of M.T. Reznor's Art, and will be contributing a weekly column that I think everyone will enjoy quite a bit. Look for its premiere later this week!
Where do we go, now? indeed.
Posted by Gabriel in gabriel's_ponderings | Permalink
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great news!
i look forward to Ms. Jones-Taylor's columns.
gabriel, would you please respond to my comments? i feel like the bastard-child wtc fan.
maybe you don't care for my input.
it's because i'm black, isn't it?
love and racial equality,
Posted by: denise | Jul 10, 2005 9:38:44 PM
Denise --
Yes, I'm sorry, that it is the case. Who told you the truth? ;-)
In seriousness, this has been a great news day. Very excited for what's in store. Thanks for reading!!
Posted by: Gabriel | Jul 10, 2005 10:15:46 PM
OMG! I'm SO STOKED! Dierdre rules.
Posted by: minion | Jul 10, 2005 11:10:28 PM
More catchy stuff from L'orangerie Stank with the usual touch of je ne sais quoi.
Posted by: Roth | Jul 11, 2005 1:08:26 AM
Balls... I posted that in the wrong place. Hey Gabriel, what's your favorite track from 242's Off? I think mine's Crushed.
Posted by: Roth | Jul 11, 2005 1:12:44 AM
Denise: If you're black, at least we know you aren't a red-headed stepchild, like Gabriel.
Posted by: Dierdre | Jul 11, 2005 3:52:58 AM
is it just my computer/connection or is your site getting harder and harder to load?
must be your growing fan base flooding the place. thanks, faturnine!
dierdre, i'm not only black, but a black, left-handed, vegetarian jew.
minorities rule!
go veggie!
Posted by: denise | Jul 11, 2005 4:47:02 PM
Denise, are you a lesbian parapalegic, too? Oh good, now I understand the unassailability of your moral highground.
Gabriel, your coterie of XX chromosomes gets more twisted and desperate with every post. Congrats!
Posted by: Matthew Misanthrop | Jul 11, 2005 7:17:34 PM
Oh Happy Day! (Sorry if I offended Denise, but this is just a time for gospel spirituals) I knew you two would kiss and make up. Looking forward to the new column. (Or did you forget to take your meds, Gabe, and you now have full-on MPD?)
Posted by: Buttercup_J | Jul 11, 2005 8:00:51 PM
I'm so happy you guys have made up, and I can't wait for the new column. Part of me wants to be a guest contributor, too. Maybe if I whip up a portfolio of sorts you'll consider me. Just putting it out there.
Posted by: emerald527 | Jul 11, 2005 8:22:24 PM
What would you write, Em? E-mail me at [email protected]!
And, Denise? You are kickass. I hope you're fat, too; because that would make you perfect.
As for you, Matthew Misanthrop, I don't like your tone. You'd better behave yourself, or else you could be cruisin' for a bruisin'.
Posted by: Dierdre | Jul 12, 2005 2:38:04 AM
unaccessibility? i think you mean 'inaccessibility.' eh, to hell with you, virgin ... and your thesaurus, too. your fifty-cent words don't scare anyone here. thanks for spending an hour coming up with that sentence, though. high five!
i'm a size 10, dierdre. if anything i'd like to be bigger. maybe if i cruise up to a 20 or a 26-plus i can eat faturnine and we'll all live happily ever after. bored, but happy.
adoring you, dierdre.
welcome back.
p.s. the only thing that offends me, buttercup, is at-waist jeans.
Posted by: denise | Jul 12, 2005 4:57:20 PM
omg, Denise can you even READ? Try some fucking phonics and read my comment again. Thanks for the laugh!
Posted by: Matthew Misanthrop | Jul 12, 2005 7:10:44 PM
*trying phonics ... hooked*
you're welcome, virgin!
Posted by: denise | Jul 12, 2005 8:41:23 PM
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